How to get medical expenses paid after a car accident
As if the car accident didn’t cause enough pain in your life, further pain can come when you start receiving medical bills for your treatment after the crash. If you’ve run out of sick leave and still can’t get back to work then the thought of paying medical bills on top of your household bills could be enough to drive you to despair. The good news is that the CTP insurer of the vehicle at fault is liable to pay those medical bills for you. If you’ve already made a claim to the CTP insurer and it has been accepted, here are a few steps you can take to ease the financial pain:
- Make a copy of the tax invoice and receipt (if you’ve paid the account).
- Type a letter or email to your claims manager and detail why the expense was incurred, when it was incurred and the amount. Don’t forget to put in your claim number so that your claim can be quickly identified by your claims manager.
- Fax or email the tax invoice and receipt with your description to your claims manager. Keep a copy of the fax or email that you send and make a note of when it was sent for future reference.
- Your claims manager will reimburse the expense you have incurred by sending you a cheque or by directly depositing the money into your account.
If you need treatment and haven’t got the money to pay for it, then the CTP insurer can pay that expense for you if you get their approval before you have your treatment. To obtain approval you should:
- Make a copy of the referral for treatment.
- Type a letter or email to your claims manager and detail the reason that you have been referred for treatment. Enclose a copy of the referral. Don’t forget to put in your claim number so that your claim can be quickly identified by your claims manager.
- Fax or email the referral and your written reason for needing the treatment to your claims manager. Keep a copy of the fax or email that you send and make a note of when it was sent for future reference.
- Your claims manager will contact you and let you know whether your treatment has been approved.
- If your treatment is approved, make an appointment for your treatment to take place.
If you’re experiencing difficulty in getting your medical expenses paid, or you would like more information contact us.